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100 Top Wetland Sites
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  1. Environmental Concern Inc. x
    A non-profit organization dedicated to wetland restoration, research, and education since 1972.

  2. EPA Office of Water x
    Mission is to encourage and enable others to act effectively in protecting and restoring the nation's wetlands and associated ecosystems, including shallow open waters and free-flowing streams.

  3. America's Wetlands x
    This site will give you a better understanding of the rich variety of wetlands, their importance, how they are threatened, and what can be done to conserve them for future generations.

  4. The Wetlands Initiative x
    A nonprofit corporation dedicated to restoring the wetland resources of the Midwest to reduce flood damages, improve water quality, and increase wildlife habitat and biodiversity.

  5. Wetlands and Water Resources Programme x
    Wetlands projects, publications, and resources from The World Conservation Union.

  6. Chesapeake Bay Program x
    Premier watershed restoration program.

  7. Wetland Science Institute (WLI) x
    A creation of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the WLI represents a tangible demonstration of NRCS' commitment to wetland conservation.

  8. Delta Wetlands x
    A private venture formed to manage the development of the Delta Wetlands Project, a water storage and habitat enhancement project on four islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

  9. Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center x
    Conduct, facilitate, and coordinate interdisciplinary research, monitoring, and training regarding wetlands and related resources, with an emphasis in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states.

  10. Wetlandsbank, Inc. x
    Working to preserve wetlands worldwide.

  11. Vanishing Wetlands x
    Learn about the vanishing coastal and marine wetlands and what you can do to help.

  12. NWCC - Wetlands by County x
    Retrieve wetland climate analysis by state and county.

  13. The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust x
    Working to save wetlands for wildlife and people.

  14. Inland Waters - Wetlands x
    Works for the conservation, repair, and wise use of Australia's wetlands.

  15. Sierra Club's Wetlands Site x
    Main page for the Sierra Club's wetlands campaign.

  16. Towra Point Nature Reserve x
    Tour online one of the most significant wetlands in the world. Located near Sydney, Australia.

  17. The Nature Conservancy x
    "Saving the Last Great Places."

  18. National Wetlands Inventory x
    "NWI of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service produces information on the characteristic, extent, and status of the National Wetlands and deepwater habitats. In addition, we provide wetland maps, status maps, Wetlands Mapper,digital wetland data, digital map downloads, trends reports, wetland publications, plants and hydric soils lists."

  19. IUCN Water & Nature Initiative x
    A 5-year action plan of 80 partner organizations to improve water management for healthy rivers and healthy communities.

  20. Partners for Wetlands x
    Projects, news, and resources dealing with wetland conservation and study.

  21. Water Quality Group x
    A good resource to begin your understanding of the forms and functions of wetlands, human impact on wetland ecosystems and what the government is doing to protect them.

  22. Ducks Unlimited x
    A world leader in wetlands conservation.

  23. Lost Wetlands x
    Discover the ecological importance of wetlands and what is being done to save them.

  24. Earth Island Institute x
    Provides in-depth information and resources from our projects, award-winning journalism from the Earth Island Journal, and tools to directly address the environmental challenges we face.

  25. Duke University Wetland Center x
    Provides sound scientific knowledge that will lead to sustainable wetland functions and values for the nation and the world.

  26. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands x
    Track the progress of the 1971 intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

  27. Center for Wetlands x
    A forum for interfacing traditional engineers with ecologists especially regarding the use of natural and constructed wetlands for waste water treatment.

  28. Office of Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds x
    The OWOW provides information to raise public awareness and encourage involvement in water quality issues.

  29. WetNet x
    Homepage of the Texas Wetland Information Network, which enhances the wetland protection capabilities of state and federal regulatory agencies operating in Texas.

  30. University Field Station (Delta Marsh) x
    Information on the University of Manitoba's biological station that borders Delta Marsh, a "Wetland of International Significance" under the Ramsar Convention, that is one of the largest lacustrine marshes in North America.

  31. LA Coast: Louisiana Coastal Restoration Web Site x
    This site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in Louisiana.

  32. The Everglades Ecosystem x
    Provides extensive information on the Everglades ecosystem, habitats, endangered species and threats to the park.

  33. NWF: Wetlands x
    Includes government legislation, latest news and developments, a wetlands library, educational materials and more.

  34. National Wetlands Research Center x
    A source and clearinghouse of science information about wetlands in the United States and the world for fellow agencies, private entities, academia, and the public at large.

  35. Society of Wetland Scientists x
    The Society of Wetland Scientists is a non-profit organization founded in 1980 to promote wetland science and the exchange of information related to wetlands.

  36. Environment x
    Guide to environmental concern including for wetlands.

  37. Wetlands International Homepage x
    A leading global non-profit organisation dedicated solely to the crucial work of wetland conservation and sustainable management.

  38. California Wetlands Information System x
    Provides comprehensive wetlands information to the general public, the educational community, and government agencies in California.

  39. WETNET x
    A student-gathered water quality database for use by classrooms, industry, government agencies, private groups, or virtually anybody who is concerned about water quality in the Saginaw Bay Watershed and beyond.

  40. Mike Walter's Wetlands Page x
    Directory of wetland-related sites.

  41. History of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States x
    A comprehensive technical work on the history of United States wetlands.

  42. The Florida Everglades: History and Restoration x
    This website is intended to present the cases of both Environmentalists and agriculture on the topic of Everglades Restoration.

  43. National Ocean Service x
    "Ensuring healthy coasts and oceans for present and future generations."

  44. Wetlands for Treatment of Mine Drainage x
    This web site gives examples of wetlands cleaning up contaminated mine water, describes how they do it, and discusses environmental consequences of this.

  45. Ducks Unlimited Canada x
    Private, nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to the conservation of wetlands for the benefit of North America's animals and people.

  46. Wetlands - The SWS Quarterly Journal x
    Browse abstracts from "Wetlands," 1981 to the present.

  47. The Bolsa Chica Land Trust x
    The mission of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust is to acquire, restore and preserve the entire 1700 acres of the mesa, lowlands and wetlands of the Bolsa Chica.

  48. Chanslor Wetlands Wildlife Project x
    Protects 250 acres of crucial habitat adjoining the historic fishing community of Bodega Bay, just 1.25 hours north of the Golden Gate.

  49. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation x
    This organization dedicates itself to protecting fish and wildlife habitats.

  50. Hydric Soils of the United States x
    Makes available the most current information about hydric soils, which are soils developed under sufficiently wet conditions to support the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation.

  51. Terrene Institute x
    This not-for-profit group works with business, government, academia and citizens to protect our environment and conserve our natural resources.

  52. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers x
    Find out the various projects and capabilities of the world's premier engineering organization.

  53. Chesapeake Bay Wetlands x
    Information on wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay area.

  54. Aquatic and Wetland Plant Forum. x
    This site is intended as a forum for discussion of current ideas and problems relating to the ecology, conservation, identification and taxonomy of wetland plants. The aims are to facilitate exchange of ideas and information and to enable those with an interest in the fields covered to find out where the most up to date information is.

  55. Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Manuals, Field Guides and Textbooks x
    An annotated list of aquatic plant manuals representing many of the manuals, taxonomic guides, and field guides for identifying aquatic plants in various areas of the world.

  56. West Eugene Wetlands Project x
    Offers a wide range of documents related to a real-life case of successful conflict resolution involving wetlands discovered in West Eugene, Oregon.

  57. Restoring Wetland Habitat at Duluth's Grassy Point x
    A collaborative effort to restore plant and animal habitat in the St. Louis River Estuary.

  58. National Estuary Program x
    The National Estuary Program was established in 1987 by amendments to the Clean Water Act to identify, restore, and protect nationally significant estuaries of the United States.

  59. Endangered Species & Wetlands Report x
    Monthly newsletter covering ESA, wetlands and takings. Subscription-based.

  60. Wetland Ecosystem Team (WET) x
    Conducts research on coastal wetland ecology and restoration. The WET's research focuses particularly on estuaries of the Pacific Northwest, with particular attention to the estuarine ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon.

  61. Friends of Wetlands (FOWL) x
    A not-for-profit group dedicated to the preservation and restoration of wetlands throughout northern Ohio and the United States.

  62. The Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary x
    This Bay-area wetland is an example of a community's involvement in environmental politics, innovative uses of land, and applications of appropriate technology in a small urban community.

  63. ASWMI x
    "The Association of State Wetland Managers, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of our nation's wetlands."

  64. Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter x
    Find out about this chapter's wetlands project in the state of Indiana.

  65. Arkansas Multi-Agency Wetland Planning Team x
    Learn about this watershed-based approach to statewide wetland conservation in Arkansas.

  66. Fragile Fringe x
    A guide for teaching about coastal wetlands.

  67. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge x
    Established in 1966 and dedicated to Rachel Carson in 1970, this refuge is part of a wetland acquisition program to preserve valuable wildlife habitat at key locations along waterfowl migration routes.

  68. Institute For Wetland & Environmental Education x
    Wetland publications and primers from a site which also offers wetland and environmental training for professionals.

  69. Page for Constructed Wetlands x
    Dedicated to the preservation of our nation's waters through scientific research.

  70. Universities Council on Water Resources x
    Source for accurate, timely, and in-depth coverage of wetlands regulation, policy and science.

  71. Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands x
    Project based on the need to preserve the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands.

  72. Environmental Laboratory Wetlands x
    Information about wetlands from the US Army.

  73. Ecological Solutions, Inc. x
    Provides environmental consulting in both the public and private sectors.

  74. EPA: Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife Habitat x
    17 Wetland Case Studies provided by the EPA.

  75. DUCKDATA x
    A bibliographic database of North American Waterfowl and their wetland habitats.

  76. Digital Field Trip to the Wetlands x
    An interactive CD-ROM product from Digital Frog.

  77. New River Wetlands Project x
    The purpose of the pilot Wetlands system is to implement pollution control to reduce pollutants and improve quality of water discharged from the New River into Salton Sea.

  78. Integrated Water Strategies x
    Information on constructed wetland projects for the Triangle School Wastewater Treatment System.

  79. NH Wetlands Bureau x
    Primary overseeing body of New Hampshire's wetlands.

  80. Integrated Water Strategies x
    Integrated Water Strategies is committed to the development of innovative low impact wastewater and stormwater treatment and reuse technologies to provide for a clean and reliable water supply and beautiful multifunctional landscapes.

  81. TPWD: Wetland Ecology x
    Site provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife, offers various information about wetlands.

  82. Wetland Archaeology & Environments Research Centre x
    Find out about the University of Hull's wetland archaeology project.

  83. ATLSS - Across Trophic Level System Simulation x
    A National Biological Service study of the Everglades/Big Cypress Region of South Florida.

  84. Wetlands in the Great Lakes Region x
    Overview and general resources dealing with Great Lakes Wetlands.

  85. TPWD: Wetland Ecology x
    Site provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife, offers various information about wetlands.

  86. Kushiro International Wetland Centre x
    A series of informative wetland issues newsletters from September 1995-March 1998.

  87. Global Change Master Directory x
    A comprehensive directory about Earth science, global change and other environmental data, including information on wetlands.

  88. Australian Wetlands Online x
    Specializing in wetland design, construction, and management.

  89. Friends of Bushy Park Wetlands x
    Covering topics on wetlands such as the different types and the benefits of wetland habitats.

  90. Beaver Dam Information Site x
    The ponds, wetlands, and meadows formed by beaver dams increases bio-diversity and improves overall environmental quality.

  91. Wetlands Institute x
    The Wetlands Institute is a private, non-profit organization located in the salt marshes of the Cape May Peninsula in southernmost New Jersey.

  92. Society For The Conservation of Philippine Wetlands x
    A site dedicated to preserving the wetlands of the Philippines.

  93. Constructed Wetlands Bibliography x
    This bibliography was compiled by United States Department of Agriculture Staff from the Ecological Sciences Division of the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Water Quality Information Center at the National Agricultural Library.

  94. Wetlands Education System x
    Explores some of the ways in which wetlands are defined and classified, as well as some of the roles they play in our society and natural environment.

  95. Wetlands Regulation Center x
    Acts as a service to all persons interested in the laws, policies and regulations concerning activities regulated under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act in waters of the United States, including wetlands.

  96. Wetlands Research Centre x
    The Wetlands Research Centre is committed to research and training on all aspects of wetlands, including evaluation and classification, ecology, hydrology, geochemistry, function, values, management and conservation.

  97. Ohio Wetlands Foundation x
    The Foundation's mission is to provide cost effective, high quality, wetland off-site compensatory mitigation credits and to fund wetlands research and education.

  98. Wetlands Conservancy x
    TWC is the first organization in Oregon to dedicate itself to conserving, protecting, and promoting the wildlife, water quality and open space values of wetlands.

  99. British Columbia Wetlands Society x
    Striving to promote the conservation of British Columbia's wetland ecosystems through education, research and stewardship.

  100. The Hunter Wetlands Centre Australia x
    Hunter Wetlands Centre is a wildlife sanctuary providing a habitat for over 250 wildlife species, including various species of birds, ducks, reptiles and other creatures.

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